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Areas of Focus

Displaying 49 - 57 of 57

Glacier Vended Water and Contaminants in California

Glacier Water Services, the largest owner-operator of drinking water vending machines in California and the U.S., claims its machines sell “safe, chemical-free water.” But statewide testing found that...

Consider the Source

Chlorinating tap water is a critical public health measure that saves thousands of lives each year by reducing the incidence of waterborne disease. But chlorination is no substitute for cleaning up...

Polluter Privilege

Across Ohio, small and large businesses have polluted public drinking water supplies with impunity. An Environmental Working Group analysis of Ohio EPA data and an internal, unpublished report from...

Into the Mouths of Babes

n a little-noticed decision earlier this year, the EPA's top scientific committee on children's health declared that protections against the toxic weed killer atrazine in food and water should not be...

Full Disclosure

The federal government and the states have adopted a high- cost, high-risk strategy in their drinking water programs, where consumers pay water suppliers to try to make polluted water drinkable. In...

Pouring It On

Nitrate in drinking water at levels greater than the Federal standard of 10 parts per million (ppm) can cause methemoglobinemia, a potentially fatal condition in infants commonly known as blue-baby...
Expert Spotlight

Chemical companies provide quarterly reports on production and sales figures to shareholders. Why shouldn’t the public and EPA receive similar reports every year about commonly used chemicals, some of which could pose a serious health risk?”

News & Insights

Best bang for your buck: Kids sunscreens

School’s almost out, and kids will soon be enjoying their favorite part of the year – summer vacation. Whether that means beach trips, summer camp or making memories with other neighborhood kids, they...