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Displaying 41 - 60 of 121

California Cautions Cell Phone Users: Keep Your Distance

Under a court order, last week California public health officials released draft guidelines advising cell phone users to keep phones away from their bodies, use speaker phone and limit use.

Trump’s Top Regulatory Adviser Juggles Myriad Energy Industry Conflicts of Interest

President-elect Donald Trump has appointed billionaire investor Carl Icahn as his special adviser on regulatory reform.

In Reversal, EPA Confirms That Fracking Pollutes Drinking Water

The Environmental Protection Agency has just confirmed what communities near many oil and gas production fields have known for years: fracking – the injection of a chemical slurry into drilling sites...

Concern Over California Crops Irrigated with Oil and Gas Wastewater

Would you eat food grown with wastewater from oil and gas drilling? You could be already: farms in California's Central Valley, which produces 40 percent of the nation's fruits and vegetables, are...

Will New Chemical Law Hide the Fracking Industry’s Toxic Secrets?

The makeup of hydraulic fracturing fluid – the slurry of chemicals, sand and water injected deep underground to free petroleum deposits trapped by bedrock – is a closely guarded secret of the oil and...

California’s Fracking Fluids Tell a Bigger Story

Although hydraulic fracturing for oil has gone on for decades in California and half a million Californians live within a mile of a fracked well, the state Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal...

Oil and Water Don’t Mix -- Add trains and it’s a disaster waiting to happen

When I heard earlier this week that a train carrying crude oil had derailed and exploded in flames near the West Virginia town of Mount Carbon, I had a sickening feeling of déjà vu.

Toxic Chemicals in Oil and Gas Drilling Waste: The List Grows Longer

New tests of wastewater discharged from oil and gas drilling in Pennsylvania and West Virginia show that water tainted with high levels of toxic chemicals is ending up in rivers and streams.

Frac Sand Mining, Coming to You Soon?

The boom in hydraulic fracking to extract natural gas and oil has created a huge demand for silica sand.

California Makes it Law: Label Toxic Flame Retardants in Furniture

California scored a big win for human health and the environment today (Sept. 30) when Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill to require labeling on upholstered furniture to tell shoppers whether it contains...

Too Loud To Be Silenced

Before Sunday's climate march in New York City, environmental groups expected a turnout of maybe 100,000. The NY police thought the number would be closer to 30,000. Hardly anyone expected the total...

California Takes Aim at Fire Retardants in Furniture

It's getting more likely that in the near future, when you go shopping for a couch or chair, it will no longer be saturated with pounds of toxic chemical fire retardants.

California Moves Closer to Passing Nation’s First Fire Retardant Labeling Law

Thanks to the hard work of many advocacy organizations, including EWG, that lack of transparency may change very soon. California will likely become the first state in the nation to pass legislation...

GAO Faults EPA Program To Protect Water From Fracking

The U.S. Government Accountability Office has challenged the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's capabilities to safeguard underground drinking water sources from hydraulic fracturing for oil and...

Vitter Pressures EPA Inspector General To Halt Fracking Inquiry

It's no secret that Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) disparages much of what the Environmental Protection Agency does, and his frequent attacks have garnered him quite the reputation in the environmental...

Germany Proposes Seven-Year Fracking Ban

Environmentalists in Germany have more to celebrate this week than a World Cup championship title.

Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells Spew Methane, Study Finds

If you think the risks associated with fracking for oil and gas disappear once a well stops producing and goes out of commission, think again. And that goes for conventional drilling technologies, too...

Colorado Court Allows Ballot Initiatives On Fracking

The Colorado Supreme Court has cleared the way for ballot initiatives that would permit municipalities to ban hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas.

Small Towns Win Major Fracking Victory in New York’s Highest Court

The small upstate New York towns of Dryden and Middlefield won a huge victory in court Monday over energy companies that have been pushing to drill for natural gas across a broad swath of the state.

It’s Time for a Mandatory National Registry of Fracking Chemicals

If oil and gas companies were injecting potentially toxic fluids into the ground near your home or your children's schoolyard, wouldn't you want to know about it?

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