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Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 541 - 560 of 598

Let's Put Healthy Food on the Agenda -- and in the Curriculum

Good, healthy food was on the menu -- and on the agenda -- this month (March 3) when EWG staff and key supporters gathered in San Francisco for a sumptuous meal and lively discussion at EWG's 2010...

School Lunches: Where’s the Broccoli?

First Lady Michelle Obama's noble fight against childhood obesity cannot be won unless members of Congress act boldly this spring and vote to give school lunches the healthy makeover that our kids...

According to Big Ag, Organic Farming Means More Jobs

First, the heavily subsidized commodity crop growers complained when the Department of Agriculture dared to send out encouraging messages about local and organic farming. Next, a coalition of Big Ag...

Health Reform Should Begin at USDA

“The less we spend on food, the more we spend on health care,” author and food activist Michael Pollan said on Oprah. Today, Americans spend almost 20 cents of every dollar managing disease --...

Forbes and Monsanto: A Match Made in H*ll

Clearly, the only criterion Forbes magazine uses when determining which U.S. corporation wins its yearly “Company of the Year” title must be profit. That's the only way to explain how a company as...

Will Big Corn Call Katie Couric a Flake Too?

The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric aired a piece on Thursday (Jan. 8 ) called Where America Stands on Obesity. The report cites many factors for the nation's current obesity epidemic, including...

Feeding Baby Green: Dr. Greene tells us how - and why

My husband hates parenting books. Absolutely hates them. Which is a good thing (there. are. so. many.) and a bad thing (sometimes you just gotta get an expert outside opinion).

When to buy organic: The video

The lowdown on the 2000 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce.

EWG's 10 tips for a less toxic pregnancy

Last week we told you about the 232 toxic chemicals we found in umbilical cord blood. This week we tell you how to reduce your exposures to toxic chemicals to keep them out of your womb.

Attack of the Frankenfoods: Genetically Engineered Crops Use 26% More Pesticides, and Growing

The dedicated folks at The Organic Center released a hard hitting report today, Impacts of Genetically Engineered Crops on Pesticide Use: The First Thirteen Years.

Putting Our Money Where the Mouths Are

The Great Recession is being felt in America's stomachs, the government reports. Nearly one in seven American households had trouble putting enough food on the table at some point in 2008, according...

Corn. Corn. And yes, more corn.

In case you missed the movie King Corn (if you did you should see it, and not just because EWG's Founding President Ken Cook is in it), take 2 minutes and 17 seconds to get the gist of our country's...

What's for (School) Lunch? Cornbread and Corn Cobbettes

“Frito-Lay traveling nachos with cornbread, served with a corn cobbette” – that's what's for lunch today in my old elementary school cafeteria in Richmond, VA.

EWG's Healthy Home Tip 2: Eat organic, fresh foods

Most people prefer their foods free of pesticides and toxic chemicals, for a whole host of (pretty) obvious reasons. I know I do. The government isn't doing enough Pesticides and toxic chemicals are...

Eden Foods: A BPA-Free Pioneer

No one is more pleased to see the hazards of Bisphenol A in the spotlight than Mike Potter, father of six, grandfather of four, and founder and president of Eden Foods.

Because pesticides on your food aren't bad enough

Worried about your cantaloupe catching fire? You might not have to anymore! Your fruits and veggies may be doused in Deca, a flame retardant chemical and known neurotoxin.

Is there too much fluoride in your dog food? Read EWG's new report

You're probably familiar with the longstanding and often heated debate over the addition of fluoride to public water supplies. And while EWG does have an opinion on that, last week we focused on...

Growing veggies in my (leaded?) urban soil

I live in an old house (1911) and used to work in affordable housing, so the dangers of lead paint aren't new to me. And with toddlers around for years now, I know to avoid paint chips in the mouth...

Is there PFOA in my butter?

What do popcorn bags, muffin and croissant bags, hamburger and sandwich wrappers, pizza box liners, French fry and hash brown bags and butter boxes have in common? If your guess was "savory food...

The Enviroblog Top 10 in 2008: What was on our minds?

If you, too, are a blogger, then you know how fascinating it can be to look at stats. Which posts were super popular, read across the nation - or globe? And which were duds, appreciated by none. What...
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