"The EWG list of best sunscreens can't be beat in my opinion."

Late last week, news outlets began reporting that the Federal Communications Commission was considering revising its cell phone radiation testing methods - for the first time in 15 years. Early this week, Governor Jerry Brown of California announced a revision of the state's outdated flame retardant requirements. All in all, it was a good week for modernizing outdated health standards that are putting people at risk.

Washington Post: FCC considers whether to study cellphone radiation

This review is long overdue and it is impossible to imagine how the FCC will be able to retain its current standards which allow 20 times more radiation to reach the head than the body as a whole [and] do not account for risks to children's developing brains and smaller bodies," said Renee Sharp, a senior scientist for the Environmental Working Group.

Also: FCC Asks About Cell Phone Safety

Daily News: Tips on how to reduce exposure to cell phone radiation

If you're going to talk on your cell phone, go hands free. These devices emit far less radiation than the actual phone, according to the Environmental Working Group.

Computer User: Cell Phone Dangers - Protecting our homes from cell phone radiation

Children's skulls are thinner and their brains are less dense than adult brains, radio frequency signals can penetrate deeper into a child's brain than in an adult's.

"There's a greater concern for children because the life-time exposure will be much higher," says Jane Houlihan of the Environmental Working Group.

Flame Retardants Governor Brown Directs State Agencies to Revise Flammability Standards A 2008 study by the Environmental Working Group found that toddlers often have three times the level of flame retardant chemicals in their bodies as their parents, and California children have some of the highest levels of toxic flame retardants in their bodies.

California Progress Report: California Makes a Move on Toxic Flame Retardants

The Environmental Working Group found that toddlers often have three times the level of flame retardant chemicals in their bodies as their parents, and California children have some of the highest levels of toxic flame retardants in their bodies in the world.

E&E Greenwire: Calif. to change law on flame retardant use in furniture

"We are literally polluting the entire world with our four-decade-old standard," Sharp said. "Contrary to industry's talking points, it does not increase protection against fire dangers but taints our bodies and our children's bodies with chemicals linked to infertility, cancer and behavioral changes."

Natural Gas NY Alt News: Cuomo's hydrofracking plan has significant scientific gaps

The analysis by New York-based Physicians, Scientists and Engineers for Healthy Energy and the Environmental Working Group, finds that while the Cuomo administration deserves some credit for adopting a more conservative approach to drilling, the DEC has not addressed some significant scientific questions.

Sunscreen and Cosmetics Examiner: Avoid the Dangers of Sunscreen

By following the Environmental Working Group (EWG) Sunscreen Guide you can make a wiser selection this year in sun blocks.

Huffington Post: Sunscreen Safety... What's the Bottom Line?

Using the criteria above, the EWG concludes that mineral sunscreens are safer than chemical sunscreens.

Huffington Post: Putting It on Your Skin Does Let It in: What's in Skin Care and How It Affects Your Health

In 2005, the Environmental Working Group published a combination of two studies that found toxic chemicals in the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies born in the U.S. in the fall of 2004.

Herald-Tribune: Burned by Sunblock Doubt

According to the Environmental Working Group's recently released sixth annual "Guide to Safer Sunscreens," the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's lax regulations still make it allowable for companies to market sunscreens that have chemicals in them that actually heighten skin cancer risk when used on sun-exposed skin.

eHealthy News you can use: Is your sunscreen safe? New study shows less than 1 in 4 are

This year, the EWG tested 800 commercially-available sunscreens, up from 600 tested just last year.

Huffington Post Canada: Is your sunscreen doing more harm than good?

According to the Environmental Working Group, zinc oxide (the white or coloured zinc), titanium dioxide and avobenzone (three per cent) are the safest sunscreen ingredients.

Details: Is SPF 30 really more effective than SPF 15?

Is this indefinite quantity of protection enough? Not likely, says the independent research-advocacy organization Environmental Working Group, which annually tests all sunscreens on the market.

Environmental Defence: Tip of the month: You think you're safe from the sun?

This week, our friends at the Environmental Working Group (EWG) put out their annual sunscreen report.

Salt Lake Tribune: Get a little sunshine in your life

For its annual guide to safe and effective sunscreens, the EWG tested 1,800 products -- only one-fourth got high marks.

The Republic: Sunscreen alert: As summer begins, read labels, choose wisely

Most of the sunscreens -- about 63 percent -- feature "mineral ingredients that provide good protection" against ultraviolet A rays, the EWG study says.

Examiner: Choosing sunscreen for your baby

One good source for the safety and efficacy of sunscreens is the Environmental Working Group's yearly sunscreen guide.

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Sunscreen Safety

Now with the research from Environmental Working Group we're finding that certain sunscreens may actually be unsafe for you and can cause allergic reactions.

BabyCenter: How to cut through the crap on sunscreen labels

The EWG list of best sunscreens can't be beat in my opinion.

New York Times: Can a product be carcinogen free?

David Andrews, a chemist with the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit advocacy association, who researches chemicals for the Skin Deep Cosmetics Database, said Attitude's commitment to avoiding known carcinogens was a commendable and "important" first step, and said he viewed its stamp of approval from EcoLogo as "definitely one of the more credible certifications."

BuzzFeed: 9 High-End Makeup Dupes That Could Save You Lots Of Money

The MAC Lipglass scored 3 points lower on the EWG Skin Deep Database, which denotes that the ingredients are less harmful for your skin.

Endless Beauty: Toxic beauty: What product ingredients could be hurting you

According to the US Environmental Working Group (EWG), more than one-third of all personal care products contain at least one ingredient associated with cancer. Yet out of the 20,000+ cosmetic ingredients registered for use, relatively few have been prohibited.

Ottawa Citizen: What it means: Hair gel with attitude

Panthenol: It can irritate skin and there's some evidence of skin and immune system toxicity, according to Skin Deep, a cosmetics safety database produced by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a United States environmental group that researches and advocates for better control of toxic chemicals and other concerns.

Orlando Sentinel: Beauty products made with natural ingredients

This is no small issue, given the fact that the average person uses about 10 personal-care products daily with about 125 ingredients, according to the Environmental Work Group, a watchdog nonprofit that gathers data on consumer products.

Toxics Cafe Mom: Top 7 Toxic ingredients to avoid when shopping for your kids

The Stir asked the experts at the non-profit watchdog the Environmental Working Group to help us come up with a list of the top five ingredients in any child product that parents need to avoid.

CFNews13: Common household items may be to blame for asthma problems

The new research "confirms many of our concerns about the widespread use of suspect chemicals in consumer products, particularly air fresheners, dryer sheets, and sunscreens," says Sonya Lunder, MPH, senior analyst for the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit environmental organization.

Seattle PI: FDA proposes banning BPA in infant formula packaging

"The most prevalent route of exposure to BPA for babies isn't a baby bottle, its liquid infant formula," Sonya Lunder, a senior research analyst with Environmental Working Group, said in a statement. "FDA's decision to consider removing this highly toxic hormone disruptor as a component in baby food packaging should [have] happened years ago. But that said, this announcement is very welcome news for millions of babies who are formula fed."

Water Marin Independent Journal: Keeping our drinking water safe

The three chemicals noted on the Environmental Working Group's summaries for both MMWD and North Marin are those formed during the process of drinking water disinfection (disinfection employed to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination and protect public health).

NewsNet5: Could the Erin Brockovitch chemical be in your water?

"We're most concerned about chromium-6 and cancer," said Dr. Rebecca Sutton, a senior scientist at Environmental Working Group (EWG). "We've known for a long time that when you inhale this chemical, it can cause cancer. But recent evidence also indicates that it's a problem when you drink it."

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