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Displaying 101 - 120 of 131

EWG Blasts Government Approval of 2,4-D-Tolerant Corn, Soybeans

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's decision to approve new varieties of genetically engineered corn and soybean seeds "brings us one step closer to widespread use of a new toxic weed killer that...

EWG Opposes USDA Recommendation To Deregulate 2,4-D-Tolerant Corn, Soybeans

A U.S. Department of Agriculture recommendation to deregulate new varieties of genetically engineered corn and soybean seeds would bring a chemical manufacturer one step closer to selling a new toxic...

50 Lawmakers Stand Up for Children’s Health

Fifty members of Congress are standing up for children's health by urging the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Agriculture to reject a new toxic weed killer, “Enlist DuoTM,” and...

Citing Health Risks, Doctors and Scientists Urge Congress to Reject Potent Herbicide Mix for Genetically Engineered Crops

Prominent doctors, scientists and business leaders today urged Congress to pressure the Obama administration to reject an application to market “Enlist DuoTM,” a new toxic herbicide mix of 2,4-D and...

Doctors, Scientists Urge Obama Administration to Reject Potent Herbicide Mix

35 prominent doctors, scientists and researchers have signed a letter urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to deny approval of a new double herbicide mix of 2,4-D and glyphosate, which...

EPA Seeks To Expand Use of Toxic Pesticide 2,4-D

A plan under consideration by the Obama administration would result in at least a three-fold increase in use of the toxic herbicide 2,4-D on American corn and soybean fields. The ubiquitous crop...

Sales of Organic Produce Surge

Sales of organic food topped $32 billion in 2013 – up 11.5 percent from the year before – and organic fruits and vegetables now account for more than 10 percent of all produce sold in the United...

EWG's 2014 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce

EWG charged today that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has failed to tell Americans – as required under federal law - tthat they have a right to know about the risks of pesticide exposure and...

EU Officials Warn of Health Risks from Pesticides Common on U.S. Fruits and Vegetables

The decision by Europe's top food safety agency to call for new restrictions on two pesticides common on conventionally-grown U.S. produce because they “may affect the developing human nervous system”...

Merrigan’s Departure Leaves Gaping Hole for Federal Food and Ag Policy

The departure of Kathleen Merrigan, Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, “leaves a gaping hole in the Obama administration's leadership on food and agriculture policy,”...

GMO Ag Company Touts Seed Corn With A Bug Zapper in Every Bite

Pesticide and chemical companies battling California's Proposition 37, to require labeling of genetically engineered foods, are telling Californians these genetically engineered foods are perfectly...

Organic Produce Reduces Exposure to Pesticides, Research Confirms

Consumers can markedly reduce their intake of pesticide residues and their exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacteria by choosing organic produce and meat, according to researchers at Stanford...

EWG Releases 2012 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce

EWG has released the eighth edition of its Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ with updated information on 45 popular fruits and vegetables and their total pesticide loads. EWG highlights the...

Duke Study Confirms Toxicity of Widely Used Pesticide Ingredient

In an innovative study, researchers at the Duke University School of Medicine have developed a laboratory screening system for detecting neurotoxic chemicals and successfully tested it on more than 1...

Common Pesticides Associated With Lower Birth Weight, Shortened Pregnancy

A new study is reinforcing obstetricians' standard warning that pregnant women should avoid exposure to pesticides in foods and weed killers because the chemicals can harm the developing fetus.

Like Strawberries? You'll Love This

The battle over a cancer-causing pesticide often applied to California strawberry fields is over. The maker of the highly toxic methyl iodide has pulled the agriculture pesticide from the American...

Government Tests Find Roundup Widespread in Water, Air

Glyphosate, one of the most heavily used weed-killers in the world, has been found in air, rain and rivers in two states examined by government scientists.

EWG'S 2011 Shopper's Guide Helps Cut Consumer Pesticide Exposure

Environmental Working Group has released the seventh edition of its Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce with updated information on 53 fruits and vegetables and their total pesticide loads. EWG...

Administration Releases Long Overdue Pesticide Data

The U.S. Department of Agriculture ignored the intense pressure from the produce and pesticide industry and released its extensive annual analysis of pesticide residues on fresh fruits and vegetables...

EWG Supporters Urge USDA to Stop Funding Pro-Pesticide Campaign with Taxpayer Dollars

The Environmental Working Group today will send the U.S. Department of Agriculture a petition signed by more than 50,000 EWG supporters who object to the department's grant of $180,000 to a California...

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