Articles by Alex Formuzis

EWG News Roundup (Nov. 8): Factory Farms, Nontoxic Cleaning and GMOs

This week, EWG joined forces with our colleagues at Waterkeeper Alliance again to show how industrial animal farms can wreak havoc on public health and the environment. Through startling aerial...

EWG News Roundup (Oct. 21): Water Contamination, Food Policy and Conservation

Beginning this Friday, EWG will post news you can use – some of the recent media coverage featuring our content and spokespeople.

IQs Plummet and Healthcare Costs Surge from Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals

Hormone-disrupting chemicals take a staggering toll on U.S. health care costs and reduce American brain power, according to a shocking new study by a team of leading environmental health scientists.

Rocket Fuel and the Not-So-Safe Drinking Water Act

In a remarkable moment of courtroom candor, an attorney representing the Environmental Protection Agency admitted last week the EPA "blew it" in botched efforts to regulate a hazardous chemical in the...

Manure in the Mist: Hog Hell Permeates Duplin County, N.C.

Thousands of gallons of liquid pig feces are sprayed on the field just eight feet from your kitchen window. Welcome to life alongside a factory farm.

Study: Farm Fertilizers, Manure Are Leading Source of Air Pollution

Large-scale industrial agriculture in the United States and much of the world releases more air pollution than all other emissions sources combined, much of it forming fine particles that are “a huge...

Big Ag Doesn’t Want You to Know About Pesticides on Produce

Nothing sets off the chemical agriculture industry like questioning its heavy dependence on toxic pesticides. Every year, when EWG releases our Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce, the Alliance...

Big Ag Fights to Keep Pesticide Linked to Brain Problems in Kids

After years of debate, the Environmental Protection Agency is finally poised to revoke all uses of the pesticide chlorpyrifos, which first came on line as a pest control technology in 1965. That...

Widely Used Hormone-Disrupting Pesticides Put Millions at Risk

The European Union just banned two agricultural weed killers linked to infertility, reproductive problems and fetal development – the first-ever EU ban on endocrine-disrupting pesticides. That's good...

Why Children, Pregnant Women Should Eat Food with Fewer Pesticides

“For many children, diet may be the most influential source” of pesticides, said the Academy of Pediatrics in a landmark report published in November 2012.

Toxic Contamination Begins in the Womb

National media outlets, public health officials and Congress have all focused recently on lead contamination in drinking water, as they should be. The tainted water in Flint, Mich., Newark, N.J. and...

Premature Births Linked to Toxic Chemicals

The rate of premature births in the U.S. is among the highest in the developed world, with nearly one in 10 babies born in 2014 arriving before 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Potentially Toxic Chemicals Plummet in Teens After Switching to Safer Cosmetics

The levels of potentially hormone-disrupting chemicals in the bodies of teenage girls plunged just three days after they stopped using certain cosmetic products, shampoos and soaps that contained the...

In Chemical Reform Law A Hidden Bailout for Monsanto’s Pollution

As the New York Times reported today, federal lawmakers may be about to give Monsanto a multi billion-dollar break. H.R. 2576, The TSCA Modernization Act, is a bill designed to update our nation's...

Congress Poised to Put 9/11 Heroes at Risk

In less than 20 minutes, the terrorist-controlled airliners hit both towers of the World Trade Center complex on the morning of September 11, 2001. As tens of thousands of workers and residents in...

Food Multinationals Behind Attacks on Dr. Oz and Consumer Rights

The front group of all front groups, the American Council on Science and Health, has not disclosed its donor list since the early 1990's.

Shouldn’t chemical safety law overhaul prioritize an asbestos ban?

In 1989, the federal Environmental Protection Agency tried to ban asbestos.

Preschoolers Face-to-Face with Asbestos

My four-year-old son Jack likes to play on the floor.

Products that Contain Asbestos Should be Regulated and Labeled

If a product you were thinking of buying contained asbestos, chances are you'd want to know while you were in the store, say, by reading a warning on the item's label.